
I, on October 11th (Happy Birthday Dad!), tend to believe that randomness is an explanation of things we cannot yet calculate. I believe, any scientist would agree with the statement that we know a very small fraction of our universe. Less than 0.001%? I would also argue that if they do not agree with this statement, they are simply doing so to protect their own egos, which is completely understandable. I believe the concept of randomness is simply a lack of knowledge of all affecting factors of an equation. I believe it is well-known by computer scientists that many of the random number generators are not "random", that the programs have a reasonable way of generating the numbers they do. And let's say a true random number generator is created, what happens in the computer the moment before the number is generated? Could my brand of determinism cover even a true random number generator? At first thought, no. Now that I think more about it, how could a computer generate a number without the use of a program? Take humans for instance, a bad example, but a relatable example. I believe it is impossible to come up with a truly random number. For myself, if I were trying to come up with a completely random number, first I would have to exclude all of the numbers that I have built an affinity to; 123, 8, 24, 101, 99, 666, literally any number I consider my favorite, any highway number that I drive often, any number that would pop into my mind out of habituation. Then I would have a pool of numbers I could choose from. But now, is it still random?
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